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About Me

I grew up figure skating, from the age of 4 to leaving after I graduated High School. Naturally, health and wellness seemed like an easy fit for me and I decided to pursue an education in Dietetics. I took on a full-time course load while working 6 days a week to support myself. After a few extremely difficult years, I ran myself into the ground losing focus and drive for what I had originally set out to accomplish. 

When I decided to take a break from "real life" and find some clarity and purpose, I had no idea that 6 months was going to impact my life in such a large way..


2014, I packed up my apartment, quit everything and moved to a small spot in the Okanagan Valley; Oliver, BC.

Naturally my first thought was "the only job worth having, is one at a winery" and was lucky enough to land a position working at Black Hills Estate Winery for the season. I was living by the lake, thriving in 30 degree weather. I was tasting incredible wine and learning things I had never even thought about. This new, bright, happy and calming environment quickly consumed me.

That summer was when I had my "AH-HA!" moment, when it all just clicked! 

Wine became a form of tranquility, like the magic of a sunset, or the calm of a quiet night with a sky full of stars. Pure bliss ( Or maybe it was the buzz?) It was the serenity I was looking for. But, my time was limited and I was already set for the next semester back in Vancouver, so my Okanagan escape came to an end.. 

So, that gorgeous October, I said goodbye. The further and further I drove from Oliver, the more my anxiety increased. I did find clarity and drive, it was just in something other then what I had planned.

I found a passion for wine.

When I arrived back home to Steveston Village, Richmond, I immediately googled "jobs working with wine in Vancouver" and 2 days later I had an incredible job opportunity working for a small wine bar in the YVR airport. Here, my passion developed further and solidified my decision to say goodbye to my dietician plan and work towards educating myself on wine.

Over the last 5 years I have explored many wine regions, travelled Italy, completed my WSET level 3 with merit and have started working towards my Italian Wine Scholar certificate. 

As 2020 hit everyone, it forced me to redirect my career path, I chose to start a brand that allows me to express myself as well as my love and knowledge for wine. On top of being apart of a fun, enthusiastic and passionate team with Lone Tree Cellars Wine agency!


Education in the wine world never ends and I look forward to learning something new with every experience.

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